About AAPA
Committees & Working Groups
Assembly of Presidents (AP)
The Assembly of Presidents is the principal organ of the AAPA, from where the powers of the AAPA are exercised, all of its affairs authorised and all of its properties controlled. Its main officers are the Chief Executives and senior-level officers of the member airlines.
Executive Committee (EXCO)
The Executive Committee provides assistance to the Assembly of Presidents in the formulation of policies and in the facilitation of decisions. The EXCO has seven members and comprises the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and five other members, each with a two-year term. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman positions are rotated annually among the members, based on the AAPA membership cycle.
Airline Services Committee (ASC)
The Airline Service Committee provides a forum for Members to be aware of industry developments and set up projects that will allow opportunities in enhancing and/ or promoting efficiencies in commercial passenger and cargo operations of Member Airlines, such as in passenger facilitation processes, for the benefit of the wider consumers of air transport.
Aviation Policy Committee (APC)
The Aviation Policy Committee provides a forum to identify, discuss, recommend and respond, as appropriate, on aeropolitical issues and concerns that impact AAPA carriers’ competitiveness, market access and economic performance.
The Committee actively keeps pace with the evolving aeropolitical and regulatory environment, including bilateral and multilateral air services agreements, governmental aviation regulations and policies, slots and related infrastructure issues.
Security Committee (SC)
The Security Committee provides a forum to address both technical and commercial aspects of security intended to safeguard airline operations in a cost-efficient manner and against acts of unlawful interference. Under the Committee’s mandate, it provides oversight over the Cargo Security Working Group.
Technical Committee (TC)
The Technical Committee provides strategic guidance and impetus to its working groups to enhance cooperation among members to improve airline safety, reliability, economy and efficiency and provide a communication mechanism to influence industry bodies for the benefit of member airlines. Focusing on technical and operational issues that impact the AAPA members, the committee currently oversees the work of three working groups, the Engineering and Maintenance Working Group (EMWG), Flight Operations and Safety Working Group (FOSWG) and Materials Management Working Group (MMWG).
Cabin Safety Working Group (CaSWG)
To assist the Flight Operations and Safety Working Group in achieving its objectives, the Cabin Safety Working Group undertakes the responsibility for enhancing and promoting cabin safety measures for passenger and flight crew in the region. It also provides a communication mechanism to influence industry bodies in flight cabin operations and safety matters, for the benefit of member airlines.
Cargo Security Working Group (CSWG)
The Cargo Security Working Group undertakes the responsibility to address security matters relating to cargo operations intended to safeguard airline operations in a cost-efficient manner and against acts of unlawful interference among the AAPA members and other airlines in the region.
Cargo Working Group (CWG)
The prime responsibility of the Cargo Working Group is to provide a forum to identify and discuss projects that enhance and promote the efficient and safe cargo operations of Member Airlines.
Crisis Management Coordination Group (CMCG)
The Crisis Management Coordination Group was setup during the SARS crisis in 2003 to monitor crises affecting the industry. It is a coordinating group that provides guidance to the Association’s consolidation and release of information to the public in times of an industry crisis to ensure the accurate flow of messages. CMCG follows a crisis management plan guided by international authoritative sources such as ICAO, CDC and WHO, and industry partners such as IATA, PATA, UN-WTO. On the local front, AAPA member airlines work closely with their government authorities to provide updates and alerts to the CMCG.
Distribution Working Group (DWG)
The Distribution Working Group discusses issues and trends concerning distribution in the airline industry, and promotes a high standard of customer service, through efficient and cost effective distribution channels.
Emergency Response Planning Working Group (ERPWG)
The Emergency Response Planning Working Group assists in increasing greater awareness on Emergency Response Planning among AAPA members. The working group also promotes resource pooling among members for training, and identifies best practices in the areas of mutual assistance for accidents in Member Airlines’ home bases.
Engineering and Maintenance Working Group (EMWG)
The Engineering and Maintenance Working Group is committed to enhancing cooperation amongst members to improve airline safety, reliability, economy and efficiency and to provide a communication mechanism to influence industry bodies in engineering and maintenance matters, for the benefit of member airlines.
Environment Working Group (EWG)
Recognising the relationship between aviation and the environment, AAPA strives to continually consider solutions to mitigate the environmental impacts. Environmental impacts are seen as systemic beyond the control of the operators. Inefficient management of airspace, restrictive operational procedures and inadequate infrastructure can inadvertently offset the investments by the airline industry to mitigate its effects on the environment.
The Environmental Working Group was established to address environmental issues affecting the member airlines. It provides impetus to define common positions and develop recommendations to address environmental issues that impact their operations.
The working group also acts as a focal point, representing the interests of its members and providing an Asia-Pacific perspective in the international arena.
Facilitation Working Group (FWG)
The prime responsibility of the Facilitation Working Group is to provide a forum to identify, discuss, and undertake projects and activities, which promote and enhance facilitation processing, and to create an optimal travelling experience in the most efficient manner for passengers.
Flight Operations and Safety Working Group (FOSWG)
The Flight Operations and Safety Working Group undertakes the responsibility for enhancing and promoting airline safety, reliability, economy and efficiency in the region.
It also provides a communication mechanism to influence industry bodies in flight operations and safety matters, for the benefit of member airlines.
Fraud Prevention Working Group (FPWG)
The Fraud Preventation Working Group undertakes projects and activities that promote and enhances fraud prevention awareness, skills and procedures among AAPA Member Airlines and their staff. The group enhances the AAPA information exchange network regarding fraud prevention matters. Together with the Secretariat and other industry stakeholders, Members strive to prevent the commission of fraud against airlines, and create a greater awareness of the modus operandi of criminal elements in committing fraud against the industry.
Management Information Working Group (MIWG)
The Management Information Working Group reporting to the Airline Services Committee, supports AAPA members through the collection of data and dissemination of processed information. It provides a forum for members to discuss statistical processes and information policies. To achieve its objectives, the MIWG:
- Develops guidelines and set parameters to reporting standards for data that are of common interest among members.
- Defines strategic priorities and ‘best practices’ to data collection to ensure timeliness and regularity of information.
- Takes on the leadership role on the institution of a common database for data mining for current needs and certifying a scalable data cycle for future expansion.
Materials Management Working Group (MMWG)
The Materials Management Working Group was established to create a forum for members airlines to exchange information and collectively liase with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and vendors to ensure they are achieving best practice, resulting in lower cost and optimum service.
North America Working Group (NAWG)
The North America Working Group provides a forum for member airlines to address a wide range of issues that affect the efficient provision of air services to and through airports in North America.
The Working Group promotes the smooth facilitation of passenger and cargo handling, addresses unreasonable administrative or financial burdens on airlines and passengers, and supports industry growth through active engagements and regular dialogues with member carriers, industry partners and regulators in North America.
Asia Pacific Turboprop Safety Forum (APTSF)
The Asia Pacific Turboprop Safety Forum was established to serve as a forum to promote flight safety between turboprop and regional operators in the Asia Pacific region. The forum emphasizes information exchange for hazard identification and mitigation is key to the success of the forum.
Crisis Management Task Force (CMTF)
The Crisis Management Task Force is a task force that is active in a major industry crisis. The task force focuses on frequent information sharing in addition to looking at preventative measures among member airlines to minimise operational impacts during such crises.