About AAPA
Who We Are
The primary purpose of AAPA is to serve as a common forum for the articulation of views on matters and issues of common interest to the Asia Pacific aviation industry; to foster close cooperation with other relevant stakeholders; and to encourage the successful evolution of the travel and tourism industry as a key contributor to economic, social and cultural development.
AAPA speaks with a common voice on behalf of Asia Pacific air carriers and puts forward Asian perspectives when dealing with governments, aircraft manufacturers, airport authorities and other organisations on industry issues. AAPA closely monitors political and regulatory developments, liaises with authorities, assists in filings in response to consultations and arranges meetings with senior government officials and other relevant institutions involved in the development of aviation policies.
We also publish aggregated information on industry traffic statistics and operational performance measures.
AAPA maintains a permanent secretariat based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, led by the Director General who reports through the Executive Committee to the Assembly of Presidents.
In addition, AAPA retains access to specialised legal and aviation consultants in Brussels and Washington, a reflection of the significant impact which the profusion of US and EU regulatory developments have on all international carriers including Asia Pacific airlines.
AAPA is run as a not-for-profit association, and is fully funded through annual airline membership subscriptions. Membership is open to scheduled international airlines based within the time zones between GMT+5 and GMT+12.
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